The Story of Moses

The Story of Moses

Do you think your future can be better than your past? The more birthdays you celebrate, and the more mistakes you make, the less likely you are to expect the rest of your life to be significant.

But from the story of Moses we learn that aging people with a regrettable past are on God’s Most Wanted list. In this message, you will see why that’s true and how you can be more useful to God than ever before. 

One Comment

  1. Cher Thompson

    I so enjoyed hearing Scott’s candid testimony,. I have known this man all his life. His Mother Ginny, was the shelter in the storm for me during a very challenging time in my early life.. She was always there for me in troubled times with a smile and awarmth and loving and supportive demeanor. Now,, I see those same blessed qualities in her yougest son, Aits great to see Scott showing the love of Jesus and sharing his heart with those in need of shelter from the storm from divorce or financial hardship. I am so proud of him! I know Jesus has many more souls in need of his warmth, wisdom and sense of humor. Be ready, Scott, He’s got your number!
    Bless you, Scot, , for all you do, and for who you ARE! Amazing things are coming your way!

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