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Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” As you discover and leverage your God-given gifts, you will become who God created you to be. Use this page to find your fit.

Community Services

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ABBA women’s Choice

ABBA is a medical certified women’s pregnancy resource center in Portland that offers pregnancy testing, limited obstetrical ultrasounds, STD testing and treatment, consultations, and women’s health education completely free and confidential. Contact Suzy Andrews to volunteer.

Suzy Andrews:

Community Food Pantry

The Community Food Pantry mobilizes volunteers to alleviate hunger among residents of Cumberland, North Yarmouth, Pownal, and New Gloucester. It is located behind Cumberland Town Hall and is open to customers every other Friday from 3-6 p.m. Contact Linda Shane to volunteer.

Linda Shane:

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Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland provides affordable home ownership opportunities and low-cost home repairs in Cumberland County. Contact Doreen Wilcox to volunteer your time or offer support.

Doreen Wilcox:

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Long Creek

Long Creek Youth Development Center is a detention facility for pre-adjudicated youth being held for a court appearance and for adjudicated youth who have been committed to a juvenile correctional facility. We are part of a team of volunteers who offer encouragement and spiritual guidance to residents. Contact Suzy Andrews to volunteer your time or help in some other way.

Suzy Andrews:

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Operation Christmas Child

Samaritan’s Purse collects shoebox gifts filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items for children around the world. Operation Christmas Child delivers not only the joy of what, for many kids, is their first gift ever, but also gives them a tangible expression of God’s love. To volunteer, contact Nancy Osborn.

Nancy Osborn:

Volunteer at White Pine

If you have a heart to serve others and would like to make a difference in other people’s lives, White Pine offers a variety of ways to do so.

Volunteer Card ICon

Usher/Greeter Team

Do you love meeting new people? We’re looking for outgoing, friendly people to assist with our usher/greeter team. Duties include greeting guests at the door, being present in the lobby to answer questions or direct people who are here for the first time, and assisting guests with seating.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Kristina Grant at 228-4469 or

Volunteer Card ICon

Hospitality Team

Whether you love serving food or helping to prepare behind the scenes, the hospitality table needs you! As a member of the hospitality team, you’ll set out cold beverages and brew coffee to create an atmosphere of community and fellowship. We work as teams, so your time commitment is one Sunday per month.

If you’re interested or would like to learn more, please contact Karen Hutchinson at 400-5085 or

Tech Team

Are you a techie? We need men and women who are interested in technology to help us make the Sunday service a God-pleasing and people-blessing experience. As a member of the tech team you will help mix sound, run our livestream or advance worship and sermon slides.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Joe Campbell at 841-4995 or

Volunteer Card ICon

Security Team

Our Sunday morning security team exists to keep everyone safe and to aid in emergency assistance when needed. If you feel that you have the skills, training and temperament to serve in this way, we would love to explore the possibility of adding you to our team.

Please contact Vanessa Gauger at 331-6969 or for more information.

Volunteer Card ICon

Children’s Ministry

Would you be willing to let God love kids through you? Our KidConnect program is designed to help toddlers through 5th graders feel God’s love and learn about Jesus in a safe and fun environment. We need teachers and helpers for both Sunday morning services, and we supply everything you need to be well-prepared each Sunday.

If you’d like to explore this opportunity, please contact Melissa Michaud at 712-5810 or

Volunteer Card ICon

Small Groups

We are constantly launching new small groups to help White Piners build friendships with others who want to follow Jesus. Whether you want to host a group or lead discussion (about the previous week’s sermon or other topics), we would love to help you start and sustain a group.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Joe Campbell at 841-4995 or

Volunteer Card ICon

Ministry Center Cleaning Team

Do you love to serve but dislike the spotlight? Do you need flexibility in your schedule? Then we have a place for you! The ministry center cleaning crew is responsible for vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen, and mopping the tile floors.

If you’re interested in learning more, please contact Sarah Cass at 829-8232 or

It is in serving others that we find ourselves. Discover your purpose by joining a volunteer team!


White Pine Church supports several missionaries who help others find and follow Jesus in New England and around the world. Additionally, a portion of everything that is given to White Pine is invested in missions. We also send teams of short-term missionaries to places around the world to partner with local leaders.


Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Logan & Kirstin Gailitis

Kirstin and Logan met through the ministry of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, got married in October 2022, and now serve together as a ministry team with a deep desire to see coaches and athletes become Christians, grow in their understanding of God’s word, and become involved in local churches. Their strategy for engaging, equipping and empowering southern Maine’s athletic community includes one-on-one discipleship with coaches and athletes, team and multi-sport Bible studies at local high schools, summer camp ministry and community events. For more information on FCA and how to get involved, contact Kirstin at


Joe Sastic

Joe serves as campus ministry staff with Cru Southern Maine and as a backcountry guide with Lifelines Northeast. Cru staff in Maine work with college students on five campuses—USM, UNE, SMCC, Bates, and Bowdoin. Lifelines staff take students on outdoor adventures and share the gospel through experiential learning. Joe, Karin and Caleb live in Westbrook.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Will Truesdell

Will Truesdell has served with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship since 1990. He is the Assistant Regional Director for Spiritual Formation New England for staff and student leaders in New England. He is passionate about helping others develop a deeply personal, vibrant walk with God so that the good news about Jesus naturally overflows to impact their neighbors and beyond. Will lives in Wiscasset, Maine with his wife Lisa and has two children, Julia and Miles. He loves to spend time with his family, hike, surf, play drums, work on old houses, and explore the wonders of God’s creation.



Doug & Joyce

Doug and Joyce (whose last name, and full organizational name, are not mentioned for security reasons) go way back with White Pine—to its beginning! Three couples met in their living room for Bible study, with a heart to start a new church for the communities north of Portland. After the church was planted in 2001, Doug served as an elder and as a leader of a men’s discipleship group. Joyce ministered to women, leading a mother’s prayer group and Bible study. During those same years Doug worked for The Navigators, a ministry focused on reaching non-Christians and discipling them. In 2009, they moved to Singapore, where Doug led the Navigator work for seven years. Returning to the U.S., Doug became the president and CEO of REI, an organization that sends people to closed countries to build their people and their nations both practically and spiritually.  Joyce actively assists him in his work.  For more information about REI, visit

World Gospel Mission

Robert & Holly Groom

More information coming soon