94 Cumberland Road
North Yarmouth, ME 04097
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
When it comes to our spiritual lives, everyone has a unique starting point. Some feel drawn to Jesus, history’s greatest figure. Others feel the need to anchor their family in faith or heal from life’s hurts. Still others want to build friendships with like-minded neighbors and make a difference in their community and world.
Whatever it is that is nudging you toward God, White Pine is the right place to take the next step:
Learn about Jesus without the baggage of tradition or politics
Join a safe, family-friendly community
Build deep friendships and use your unique gifts to make others' lives better
No previous church experience is required, just the desire to feel God’s love and hear His truth.
No previous church experience is required, just the desire to feel God’s love and hear His truth.
No previous church experience is required, just the desire to feel God’s love and hear His truth.
"When I went for the first time, I felt relief and gratitude that God put me right where I needed to be."
- Patricia Emery
To admit that you struggle with anger or lust is not enough. What are you going to do about it?
Free Resource
Experience the Sermon on the Mount in a way that you never have before. Download the first eight chapters of Pastor Greg’s book, Manifesto, and discover the simple truths of Jesus' words and what it means for our life today.